Supercalifragilisticexpi Gary Trocious | Mumble Comedy

Supercalifragilisticexpi Gary Trocious | Mumble Comedy

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HomeSupercalifragilisticexpi Gary Trocious

Supercalifragilisticexpi Gary Trocious

August 9, 2017 yodamo

Just the Tonic at The Caves
Aug 3-27 (17.00)
Material:  Delivery:  Laughs:  
Gary Tro made his full room roar in laughter with Supercalifragilisticexpi Gary Trocious. A very amiable comedian, he roams about the comedy aether like a giddy zephyr, discussing last year’s fringe failure, his desire to run a marathon, his tendency to date girls with the same name, baldness, procrastination, lying, dolphins, love, dreams,children and, of course, Gary Tro. SA great variety of spices go into his comedy curry, but never too much, & the final result is a tasty dish indeed.
Gary is extremely accomodating with his audience, making us all feel a part of the show and he improvises with distinction surfing each spontaneous responses like a seasoned Bali surfer on a Beach Break. In a recent interview with The Mumble, Tro said the part of performing he loves most is;

The immediacy. I genuinely believe that the best art and performance happens in the moment. The biggest laugh that every comedian has ever had has come from something that they didn’t plan to do.

Tro allowed space for the ‘moment’ to happen and it helped relax his audience & let us connect with both comic & show. It takes skill from the performer for we spectators to feel so comfortable to have so honest interactions, but Gary is a wee master of the vibe. Supercalifragilisticexpi Gary Trocious is not easy to spell, but it is easy to have good laugh at.
Reviewer : Michael Beeson

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