Andy Stedman : Parental Guidance | Mumble Comedy

Andy Stedman : Parental Guidance | Mumble Comedy

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HomeAndy Stedman : Parental Guidance

Andy Stedman : Parental Guidance

August 13, 2017August 13, 2017 yodamo

The Counting House
Aug 3-13, 15-27 : (14.20)
Material:   Delivery:   Laughs:
Andy Stedman has written an EPs worth of songs which he hopes will guide his boy, Jack Elvis, through the trials & tribulations of adolescence, and has decided to share his songs with the world as well. Among these, he sings about his son’s first day of school when mummy will give him a last hug, and his new mates will shame him for it. Andy’s also written a song about the ‘birds and the bees’ for his son, from the perspective of a sperm.  In case Andy should die before Jack becomes a man, Andy has composed a sentimental letter with his final words of wisdom on life.
Parental Guidance is sweet and hilarious. Andy is a real master of the stage, thriving on interaction with his audience, even inviting them to take the piss out of him. The show I attended was in a grumpy mood, I thought, the Free Fringe roulette ball had landed awkwardly, & even though the crowd was tough can handle a bit of awkwardness and if just a few people are willing to have fun, Andy holds the space for fun to happen. In a recent interview with the Mumble, Andy told us why he likes to be up front in the room;

Connecting with people. I don’t have a script at all, although I know what I am generally going to say and have edited it down a lot. I really like people generally, which is why i also do a fair bit of MCing, It’s just a lot of fun when something genuinely happens in the room.

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Andy thrives off real life. He’s not just going up and doing the proven script, time & time again. He’s there to have fun, kick back, sing some wicked songs & get us all right comfortable in his kitchen sipping a G&T.  Andy Stedman is a cool guy, & damned good at what he does, which is essentially be… Andy Stedman!
Reviewer : Michael Beeson

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