An Interview with Luke Nowell | Mumble Comedy

An Interview with Luke Nowell | Mumble Comedy

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HomeAn Interview with Luke Nowell

An Interview with Luke Nowell

August 24, 2017August 24, 2017 yodamo

Hello Luke, so where ya from & where ya at, geographically speaking?
I’m from Sydney Australia but currently living in London after having just finished studying at Ecole Philippe Gaulier in France for two years.
When did you first realise you were an entertainer?
It all started in the family home. Doing shows in front of the family, dress ups, magic shows, mini golf courses, film making and a lot of other things that involved a lot of cleaning up.
What is it about performing live you love the most?
I love playing on stage and I love watching other people playing on stage. I remember when I was young, and to this day, watching other people perform live and love experiencing the way it makes you feel and think. I love creating an experience with those people, in that moment, in a way that won’t be repeated.
What does Luke Nowell like to do when he’s not being funny?
I love alone time. I like documentaries. I also like skateboarding and watching live skate competitions – it’s not funny, it’s lethargic.
What is the creative process behind writing your sketches?
I think a lot, I play a lot, I make new associations and then I try playing with it in front of an audience. I tend to find the game for my ideas when I do it in front of an audience. It’s all about playing with and juggling the audience.

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You are a Gaulier-trained clown and physical comedian, how did you find conducting such a prestigious education?
It was incredible. I came to the school with a very set idea of how I performed. This school and Philippe opened me up, taught me freedom and beauty. I didn’t realise how much more you could discover by being pushed so hard by a man who challenged, pushed and berated you until you did something on stage that was full of so much spirit, whilst bearing your soul, that it makes the audience laugh AT you. This school is great for taking yourself less seriously and learning to play, and play with you’re audience and with your scene partners. Philippe taught me to listen to my audience and now Philippe is always sitting at the back row of a show for me now.
Alongside White Sardine Productions, you have been churning out solo-shows relentlessly. How are you so prolific?
I’m not entirely sure myself. But what I would say is that it comes from a passion and a drive – it’s an extension of who I am. If you really want something in life, you’ll make it happen.

You are in the middle of bringing ‘Being Hueman’ to the Fringe, can you tell us about it?
Being Hueman Being is show full of ridiculousness and a world of fantasy. I take us in an adventure in a show about what is funny and colourful about being hueman being. It’s quite an absurd show, visceral and I love doing it. If you like your comedy different this is your kind of show.
How has it been going so far?
This fringe has been amazing. My run had been very good, as well as days where I’ve learnt a lot and had to refine what I’m doing. I’m very grateful for my experience this year.
Can you describe in a single sentence the experience of performing at the Fringe?
It’s a beast and it’s aged me a few extra years
What does the rest of 2017 hold in store for Luke Nowell?
2017 involves finally resting a bit, doing a few more shows, there’s also potential doors currently opening up for me in Asia and then I head back to Australian circuit at the end of the year.

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If you’re quick you can catch Luke’s last couple of shows @ The Fringe
Just the Tonic at The Caves : Aug 25-26 (13.15)​
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