John Porter : Five Years Time | Mumble Comedy

John Porter : Five Years Time | Mumble Comedy

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HomeJohn Porter : Five Years Time

John Porter : Five Years Time

August 14, 2017August 14, 2017 yodamo

Laughing Horse @ The Counting House
Aug 14-19 (11 AM)
Material:  Delivery:  Laughs: 

There is nothing more life-affirming than doing what you want to do, & so the Fringe welcomes back John Porter for another wee stint of doing his comedy. The guy was struck with Cerebal Palsy in younger years, which provides the gagline to about half of his material. The rest is a gentle float through his say-to-day life, his dreams, his expectations, based around the premise of a question he was asked himself half a decade years ago – ‘What do you want to do in five year’s time?’ Shortly after that he decided he would notch being a comic into his belt, & thus we are presented with something likehis Match of the Day highlights show. As for subject matter, in a recent interview with The Mumble, when asked, ‘upon which life-experiences do you draw your own comedy?’ John replied;

All of ’em! That’s the entire show this year. In my life I’ve been (and still am) disabled, depressed, in love, broken hearted, inspired, lonely, and all kinds of things. My experience of love, depression and comedy all come through in my work at different times. In one sense I try to let my feelings out on stage, because suddenly when you can laugh at them, they don’t seem like the big deal you thought they were.

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‘We’ve all got differences,’ says Porter, ‘we’ve all got different tales to tell… & this one’s mine.‘ His tale will be worth hearing yes, but for me it is a tad too early. John is only 27 & needs more life experience from which to draw his hunour. To imagine the experience of watching John as a comedian, picture a hot day in the Kalahari desert, & your comedy meter is a buffalo, & Mr Porter’s jokes are the buffalo’s tail occasionally flicking out to squat a fly. Yes, its a very calm, almost tame outing, but Mr Porter is an immensely likeable Mancunian with a genuine love of life, & being in his company at 11AM is actually a pleasant way to start a day at the Fringe.
Reviewer : Damo

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