An Interview With The Delightful Sausage | Mumble Comedy

An Interview With The Delightful Sausage | Mumble Comedy

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HomeAn Interview With The Delightful Sausage

An Interview With The Delightful Sausage

August 6, 2017 yodamo

Hello Chris, so where ya both from and where ya at, geographically speaking?
CHRIS CANTRILL: Hello! I’m from Bradford and Amy is from Hull. We met when we both lived in London but had to move away because they charged £5 for a pint of Carlsberg. Eventually we both ended up in Manchester and there hasn’t be a single day where it hasn’t rained.
Hello Amy, when did you first realise you were, well, funny?
AMY GLEDHILL : 12th December 1992. Around teatime.
What exactly is The Delightful Sausage?
CHRIS : We like to think of ourselves as 2 hot babes who are trying our best to boycott palm oil but routinely find ourselves eating it from a spoon. Simply put, we’re a sketch comedy double act. Our style is immaculately shambolic. Our dress code is business casual.
Where did you two meet?
AMY : We were both finalists in the 2013 Leicester Square New Comedian of the Year Competition setting the tone for what has become a famously bitter dynamic.

What are the secrets of a good sketch?
CHRIS : Blood, tears and evermore sachets of salt. If all else fails, we bring in interns. Eventually they’ll throw out some gold and we will credit them as “Chris Cantrill and Amy Gledhill”. We don’t pay them for their time but it’s great exposure.
What’s the comedy scene like in the North West?
CHRIS : Manchester, nothing but a breeding ground for tranks, lobos and zipheads. And we love it. There’s such an exciting community of hardworking oddballs. If you haven’t experienced Birthday Bread Man – cancel your plans for the day immediately.
What is the creative process behind writing sketches for The Delightful Sausage?
AMY : Chris tends to show up to writing meetings with strange spidery notes written on mucky bus tickets which he then reads out before bursting into tears, mumbling about his infant son. Once that’s out the way, we Google ‘The Two Ronnie’s’ and change the character names.
How much time do you guys spend together out with The Sausage?
CHRIS : We tend to have 2 meetings a week plus gigs all over the country with many bitter arguments. Not really! I couldn’t think of a better partner to be doing community service with
What is it about performing live you love the most?
AMY : It could be the adulation, maybe the occasional free Battenberg but its almost certainly the cash in hand.

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You are bringing a show to the Fringe this August, can you tell us about it?
AMY : Cold Hard Cache is a sketch comedy show which is loosely about The Internet. So, so loosely. The central premise sees myself and Chris running a free course for those in the community who need a helping hand with modern technology. It’s all just an elaborate structure from which to hang some premium titting about. Also, one of us gets topless in the show. I won’t tell you which one though, as I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t come if you knew.
In one sentence can you describe the experience of performing in Edinburgh in August?
CHRIS : It’s great fun; based on previous Fringe experiences I expect us to clear probably £1 million in the first week. Maybe more if we want it hard enough.
What does the rest of 2017 hold in store for The Delightful Sausage?
AMY : We’ve got a lot of crazy projects on the go including starting our highly awaited second hour, plus some pretty radical ideas for phone case designs. Before we start any of that we will be having a little break to water the plants, settle a few scores and work our way through a big bag of amphetamines.

You can have a bite of the sausage at the Edinburgh Fringe
Aug 6-13, 15-27 : The Caves (13.00)
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2 thoughts on “An Interview With The Delightful Sausage”

Preview : Haddington Variety Night 2 | Mumble Comedy says:

READ  Wayback Machine

August 12, 2017 at 5:48 am

[…] You can read an interview with Delightful Sausage here… […]


The Delightful Sausage : Cold Hard Cache | Mumble Comedy says:

August 12, 2017 at 1:05 pm

[…] in a glade, bouncing off each other’s energy & setting up gags with precision timing. In a recent interview with The Mumble, Team Sausage’s Amy described Cold Hard Cache […]


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