Ed Byrne – Outside Looking In | Mumble Comedy

Ed Byrne – Outside Looking In | Mumble Comedy

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HomeEd Byrne – Outside Looking In

Ed Byrne – Outside Looking In

August 14, 2015August 14, 2015 yodamo

Gilded Balloon (Venue 14)
Aug 12-16, 18-26, 28-30


Irish comedian, Ed Byrne is back with a new show, ‘Outside Looking In’ for The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, or ‘Edinburgh’ or ‘August’ as he likes to call this month of creative madness in Scotland’s capital! Byrne confesses as a comedian he often feels like he is not living a life, just observing other peoples, hence the title of the show. Bryne is usually found somewhere between television on panel shows such as: Mock the Week, 8 Out of 10 Cats, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, and Have I Got News for You as and factual documentaries like: Three Men Go to Scotland, BBC’s Volcano Live, BBC’s Science Club and BBC’s Dangerous Roads. Or the radio; once presenting London Live on Saturday mornings. Or featured in films including Round Ireland With A Fridge, Rat, Are You Ready For Love and Zemanovaload. However he is best known for his stand-up comedy with hit world tours, sold out shows at Edinburgh Fringe and a successful two-week run in the West End.


Byrne’s bravely opens his act with anecdotes of gigs where he has fell on his arse, in particular with an audience of bankers! The seasoned comedian covered topics including interviews, a dig at Audi drivers (cheers Byrne), sexist remarks about women that give-out early and weird random sayings. Byrne’s crazy analogies had the audience in fits of laughter, so much so my cheeks ached! He admits he finds it hard talk to young beautiful women and explains in (far too much) detail about his embarrassing cringe worthy visit to the doctors about his bowel problems with a pretty student nurse! For the remainder of the show Byrne focuses on his relationship with his kids, taking kids into coffee shops, ostentatious breastfeeding, bedtime stories and gendered footwear! Byrne has described himself as a day dad and he does not hold back during his angry rant when discussing school bully imposed gendered opinions on his son. As expected Byrne’s performance is full of side-aching observational humour. Go and see him, if only to see the cute photo of his son at the end. FOUR STARS

READ  Tatterdemalian | Mumble Comedy

 Reviewer : Sarah Lewis

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What’s On Some of the best shows this August – click on a flyposter for more details…
The Blunder Games
Paul Ricketts : West End StoryBob’s Blundabus – 6th-15th : 21.45
Laughing Stock Underbelly / Delhi Belly – 6th-30th : 14,40
Christel Bartelse : OneymoonLiquid Room Annexe (venue 275) : 8th-30th (14.25)
Joe Hart : Dirty Rotten ApplesPleasance Dome -: 5th-31st : 14.45
Confessions of a Redheaded Coffeeshop Girl Gilded Balloon Teviot – 5th-31st : 18.30
Strictly BaltiGilded Balloon Teviot – 7th -31st (13.45)
Aatif Nawaz : Muslims do it 5 times a dayThe Caves : 7th-29th (22.15)
Twonkey’s Stinking BishopSweet Grassmarket 6th-30th : 21.00 (not Tuesdays)
Nathan Cassidy: Back to the Future I, II and III
The Old FellaThe Space @ Surgeon’s Hall : 20.00
TatterdemalionAssembly Roxy – 5th-31st : 17.45
Morgan Berry : Watership Down Banshee Labyrinth (Venue 156) : 18.00
Louise Reay: It’s Only WordsVenue 27, The Small Kirk, 6th-30th August @ 4.15pm
The Man
Invisible Badminton & Other DreamsCowgatehead : 8th-29th (12.30)
The KagoolsThe Mash House : 6th-29th (15.20)
Elf Lyons : Being BarbarellaVoodoo Rooms – 8th-30th : 19.50

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