Gemma Flynn : Around the Way Girl | Mumble Comedy

Gemma Flynn : Around the Way Girl | Mumble Comedy

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HomeGemma Flynn : Around the Way Girl

Gemma Flynn : Around the Way Girl

March 17, 2016March 17, 2016 yodamo

The Griffin, Glasgow
15th March

 Laughs:   Material:     Delivery:

One-hour Comedy shows are rather like corn sheaves; they are planted in the winter, show their first green shoots in the Spring, start creating the cornbuds in May & are ready for the golden harvest in August. In the same way, comedians will start their Edinburgh Fringe show rolling in March – at the Glasgow comedy festival, hone it down Brighton in May & then reveal it to the world at large, fully ripened, at the Edinburgh Fringe.
Gemma Flynn, then, is very much caught in this cycle. Having survived last years ‘madmax dystopia’ of the fringe, this diminutive delight set to work doing stuff, seeing stuff &  picking out the funny stuff in all that stuff. Glimpses of brilliance glittered through a slightly jerky set, not helped by the clumsy use of her applemac in giving us clips of various things from the modern world – mainly based on the Kardashians (?!).
Watching Gemma in full flow is rather like joining her on the couch for a TV chat show. The room was packed, though most seem to have known Gemma, & they were included in her patter, which, I must admit,  had a really enjoyable & intelligent burr. Gemma is young, & so is her material, but she just kinda has it – as the year progresses, & she gets used to her material, sorting out the wheat from the chaff, come August we’ll all be sucking on her succulent cobs.
Reviewer : Damo Bullen

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