Siân and Zoë’s Luxury Cruise Through the Horrifying Vacuum of Space | Mumble Comedy

Siân and Zoë’s Luxury Cruise Through the Horrifying Vacuum of Space | Mumble Comedy

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HomeSiân and Zoë’s Luxury Cruise Through the Horrifying Vacuum of Space

Siân and Zoë’s Luxury Cruise Through the Horrifying Vacuum of Space

August 8, 2016August 8, 2016 yodamo
Edinburgh 2016

Just the Tonic at The Community Project
Aug 4-28 : (16.15)

Material : Delivery :   Laughs :
If one would like to imagine what Dawn & French were like in their earliest incarnations, then a trip to see Siân and Zoë in action would come pretty close. They have a theme, & that is an adventure through space to search for the answer to mindfulness &  a better quality of life. They have props, & they use them with a cheeky indifference to whether they are actually any good. They have a custard-yellow bee-like uniform which in some scientific way focuses attention on their every movement. They have youth, they have pezzazz, & most of all they have comedy – oodles of the stuff!

Their act is silly & suave, & at times completely bonkers.”Hey do you want a coffee” – “I’ve cut off both your legs!” “I’m levitating!” was one wee snippet of a dialogue I managed to record in all the mesmerizing mayhem, which whipped us through a world of banana infections & funny faces…  somewhere in space. These girls have talent, & a sketch show with a difference. It seems the only place suitable for their far-reaching imaginations is the further reaches of the cosmos, & joining them on such a journey is a true counterfoil to those wishing to escape the terra-bound termite nest that is the Edinburgh Fringe.
Reviewer : Damian Beeson Bullen

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