The Delightful Sausage: Regeneration Game | Mumble Comedy

The Delightful Sausage: Regeneration Game | Mumble Comedy

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HomeThe Delightful Sausage: Regeneration Game

The Delightful Sausage: Regeneration Game

August 3, 2018August 5, 2018 yodamo
Fringe 2018

Monkey Barrel Comedy Club
Aug 2-26 : (12:00)
Material:    Delivery:   Laughs:  

Since I began reviewing at the Fringe, every year I’ve been to Foodies Festival to pick up my £10 bag of selected salami. But not this year, for I’ve developed an almost cultish passion for the annual visitation of a new meaty product – THE DELIGHTFUL SAUSAGE. I wasn’t the only one; a healthy room was about half full of other fascinated comedians, like when Eric Clapton held hands with Brian Jones on witnessing Hendrix for the first time.

The Delightful Sausage is a comedy duo – Amy Gledhill & Christopher-Louise Cantrill – & last year I really enjoyed the craft & the show. The thing is, & I’m quaking as I say it, they’ve got better, they’ve found an extra gear. From the posh wotsits on sticks dished out on arrival, thro’ their extremely slick stagecraft of voiceovers & videos, to their stunningly daft dialogue, The Delightful Sausage are comedy firestarters.

It’s an even stranger yet somehow more personal journey which we’ve managed to pack full with unsettling illustrations and tight, rock-hard gags. Read the full interview here.

Their theme is the candidacy of Ickleton as a city of culture for 2021, upon which bedrock is built a light-hearted Royston Vasey peopled only by the madcap imaginations & clever costume changes of Amy & Chris. They interact like two Chinese ping-pong experts in a 50 minute showcase rally. It was only show 2, & a couple of balls hit the net, but they way they weave their hiccups into the show proves they have became pure performance connoisseurs.

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The chief wonder of the Delightful Sausage is the way the tendrils of their creative energies reach out into every day existence & bring back life-snippets, but converted into comedy magic in the maelstromic furnaces of their creative chemistry. Last year I gave their Cold Hard Cache straight fours, but they have bettered their material this year, & the laughter was booming, so I’m happy to give them 5 stars x
Reviewer : Damo

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