The Establishment: Fool Britannia | Mumble Comedy

The Establishment: Fool Britannia | Mumble Comedy

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HomeThe Establishment: Fool Britannia

The Establishment: Fool Britannia

August 18, 2018August 18, 2018 yodamo
Fringe 2018

Heroes @ Boteco
Aug 18-20, 22-26 (17:30)
Material:   Delivery:   Laughs:   

You’ve got to love The Establishment, who dwell somewhere in the realms beyond bonkers, but are also as surefire as twin torpedoes streaking towards the hulls of all our seriousness. Yes, the Fringe & the Establishment are perfect bosom-buddies, for watching their supreme joviality makes you feel like you are finally at the festival properly. This is what its all about. This is comedy.

The theme of this year is a timewarpin’ whirl through British history, sandwiched either side by a Clockwise-Cleesian headteacher who ‘loves’ his ‘fuc£in’ school.’ He is soon joined by a colleague, ‘Mr Foster,’ & together the two proceed to combine their talents for the rest of the show’s swimmingly fashioned imaginarium. Each scene from history floats easily upon the bantertastic sea of silliness supplied by The Establishment; Cavemen, Romans, Vikings, & so on – all the major motifs are given the treatment, & embellished with colourful costumes. Attention-grabbing from beginning to end, Fool Britannia is, as I hinted at before, the quintessence of what should be happening at the Fringe.

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