Who Is Chris Ramsey? | Mumble Comedy

Who Is Chris Ramsey? | Mumble Comedy

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HomeWho Is Chris Ramsey?

Who Is Chris Ramsey?

March 23, 2017 yodamo

Citizens Theatre

Chris Ramsey at The Citizens was comedy genius.
A simple set and lighting echoed the title question mark in big inflatables, setting the backdrop for a domestic-based comedy that doesn’t slag off the in-laws. Ramsey is far too clever for that, being supernaturally funny. But first let me tell you about support act Carl Hutchinson, introduced to us over the tannoy service by Ramsay himself… ‘Don’t worry, he’s not shit.” How true.
Hutchinson bounced on stage with the energy of a lion, and launched full-blast into his job interview sketch which was good, but superseded by his Come Dine With Me antics. You will view Masterchef differently after hearing his take on garlic infused oil, certainly creative but superminging. Equally appealing was his take on vaping, and his vision of doctors twenty years down the line chastising us for being so vulnerable to inhale anything into our vital organs that has a 240 volt charge in it first…makes you think.

His twizzled take on the moustache and bearded modern man had the audience eating out of his hand quite deservedly. Politically correct Guess Who, veggies and his girlfriend spoiling their TV nights by fretting over where she had seen the actors before hit a chord with the crowd. This talented guy is worth seeing on his own and you can realise this by booking at The Stand in Glasgow, where he will be performing on May 21st.
After the interlude came our main man. Rapid-fire slagging of the man in the front row began, who looked like, ‘a highlighter pen  in his neon garb, leading to much hilarity…. kryptonite and beige suit repulsion jokes flew out of Ramsey so fast you hardly had time to laugh before you erupted again. The fact that Stu worked for Scottish government and his wife Clare for the Inland Revenue did make you think that they were plants for our amusement, but so what if they were? When asked what she did specifically for the I.R. Clare replied, “Tracing.”
‘Why, have they not got photocopiers? ‘ Ramsey  laughed.

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The Gorbal, 10 inch pizzas from Asda, a whole manner of grocery items that will make the weekly shop a far more entertaining experience were all closely scrutinised and ridiculed with every fibre (pun intended) of humour wrung out those vegetables and citrus fruits. The program The Undateables got a rollocking followed by an original insight into our mundane bodily functions. Grandparents was a later topic and their penchant for wrecking established routines and turning the weans into red bull and coffee addicts with a need for a Sunday roast at 2am.  Ramsey’s insight into toddlers’ sleepwalking, with full audience participation, was another funny moment, as was his complementary jealousy of how his dad would have handled random drunk women adamant that the hotel room belonged to them.
I can’t recommend this gig enough so if you get a chance to catch him you will not regret it.
Reviewer : Clare Crines


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