Amber Glancy: Wine Show

Just the Tonic at the Caves (Just Up the Stairs)
Aug 4 – 14, 17:05

Great to be back at the amazing 2022 Edinburgh Fringe festival with thousands of show up for selection; mood is good as you find your way among the streets. Today’s play by the incredibly hard working Amber Glancy is a solo show held at the Just the tonic at the caves venue down in Cowgate called ‘Wine Show’.

With polished wine glasses set on tables the small room quietened, Amber took to stage all in white. The wine part happened quickly as bottles were opened and glasses were drunk. In fact the first 5 min were dedicated to that but not without a really good plot line, she tied everything together of things we weren’t even aware of.

The come as you go element to her comedy/theatre proved easy for her as she quickly made for crowd participation. At one point I though the whole room was in on a set up because that was how surreal it all had become, for all the people who she roped into sharing her stage seemed to have great acting prowess.

The heralded wine literally poured and flew into the room she told her tale as the character Bailey Barrel, a wine maker, all she wanted to do was taste wine for a living. By now she was red from the spilled wine that she guzzled tasting each glass in excitement coming through with electric energy. She knew how to walk the stage and compel the room.

Her comedy was wicked, very dry and energetically endearing to happily watch for the next event to come whatever that may have been. She seemed panicked a lot but that could have been due to the characters father’s death. We were in her club, washed with alcohol, looking absurdly into the future she did her damndest to spread joy and energy (that she very cleverly slowly built up).

From all the chaos to ensue the writing didn’t falter, she displayed the skill of drawing out the story. Amber even toyed and cajoled with her audience. Time flew filled with how she grew in stature, she absorbed the act making a feeling of deep satisfaction and a feeling of being looked after. She is a multitalented playwright who has worked for a long time in LA, America, and has been involved in screen and stage.

Her experience shone through in this accomplished show, how to probe and fall about (without injury). Using live action to extenuate jokes and personal deprecation; a live comedy that will swim very well at the fringe I feel to blow other shows away.

Daniel Donnelly

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