Walking on Spectrum: An Interview with Juliana Heng

Malaysia, neurodivergent, LGBTQ+, non-binary
Comedy is flying into the Edinburgh Fringe

Hello Juliana, first things first, where are you from & where do you live today?
Hello Damo, I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia & I still live there today.

What is your first memory of performing in front of people?
My first memory of performing in front of people is doing the Traditional Chinese Fan Dance when I was 6 years old in a kindergarten concert.

You are a stand-up comedian, storyteller, and also spoken word poet – why so many performing mediums?
I perform in so many mediums because I am handling so many life issues at various stages.
Stand-up Comedy : Mainly for stuff that I have embraced (Being autistic & non-binary)
Spoken Word Poetry : Therapeutic for me to express myself when I need a break from the people-pleasing in comedy.
Storytelling : A space for me to tell my truths as they are (Surviving an abusive household) as I embark on my healing journey.

Can you tell us about GELAK : GEMPAK 2021?
GELAK : GEMPAK 2021 is the Malaysian equivalent of NBC’s Last Comic Standing. ‘Twas a pretty intense experience as I have to perform stand-up comedy in the national language (Bahasa Melayu) in a competition setting, and tackle different genres of comedy like roast battle & stand-up without a net.

I was eliminated during the roast battle as I was not familiar with roast writing. However, I became a better comedian, developed a ready-to-perform set in Bahasa Melayu, and emerged as the 2nd Runner-Up of KL Roast Tournament 2022.

You are bringing a show to the Edinburgh Fringe – can you tell us about it?
Walking on Spectrum is a medley show that explores different ways to tell my life story through stand-up comedy, spoken word, and storytelling.

I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Having ASD does not make me immune to life challenges. Why not live life with a spunk?

This mixed medium gives me the room to do a deep dive on what’s like being Asian, neurodivergent, LGBTQ+ and non-binary in Malaysia.

Walking on Spectrum was awarded :

‘Most Inspiring Work’ ~ The Asheville FRINGE Arts Festival 2021
‘Best Comedy’ and ‘The Borderlands and Beyond Award’ ~ Tucson Fringe Festival 2021
‘Best Solo Show’ and ‘Best of Fringe’ ~ Front-Row Fringe Festival 2022

So, the show sounds like one big piece of cathartic release, how have you turn’d that into entertainment?
Indeed! When I keep my stories to myself, I feel like I am about to implode due to the emotional tension I have built over the years. The pandemic is my tipping point when I lost the stage, which is my ultimate place of self-expression. The only way I can gain some control in my life is by creatively turning all this mayhem into cathartic entertainment!

Are you hoping to help similar souls to your own in the audience?
Yes. I remember an audience member who came up to me after the show, thanking me for sharing my survival story growing up in an abusive household. They are contemplating suicide as they thought they are going through this alone. I am glad they chose to live after watching my show.

What are you looking forward to most about being in Edinburgh and performing in the city?
I am looking forward to feeding myself creatively in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival by watching shows that I don’t usually see in Kuala Lumpur, making lots of new friends, and sharing Walking on Spectrum with a new audience. As a foodie, I am excited to feed myself gastronomically too! I would love to try the Haggis, Cullen Skink, and the Scottish Porridge!

You’ve got 20 seconds to sell your show to somebody in the streets of Edinburgh, what would you say?
Tired of laughing in 90% of Ed Fringe shows? Need a departure from pure comedy shows? Come to this genre-bending show by this Asian, Autistic, Gender Bender!


The Strathmore Bar

August 3-27 (15:00)

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